It is fairly evident that a healthy level of self-esteem can positively impact all aspects of our lives, including our career. The more solid our self-esteem, the more likely we are to cope with challenges, overcome obstacles, and persevere no matter how many times we...
Originally published in Bottom Line Personal 9/1/00. Reprinted by permission. The best companies, the best departments, and the best staffs are those where everyone feels comfortable and confident in their decisions. They are free from fear of retribution or...
Originally published in Bottom Line Personal 9/1/00. Reprinted by permission. SELF-RESPONSIBILITY Accountability is one of today’s most popular business buzzwords. The term is bandied about with impunity by countless managers and CEOs, as if paying lip service to the...
This essay was originally published in the Intellectual Ammunition Department of The Objectivist Newsletter in November 1963. WAGES AND PRODUCTIVITY A reader asks: “Do labor unions raise the general standard of living?” Nathaniel Branden responds: One of the most...
Let us remember that the one of the foundational components of self-esteem is self-efficacy, or confidence in our ability to think, learn and persist. In today’s modern business infrastructure, this trait must be present in not only executives and managers but all...