The Origins of Libertarianism

The Origins of Libertarianism A BIT OF HISTORY When I first heard the term “libertarianism” in the early 1950s, I mentioned it to Ayn Rand as a possible name for our political philosophy. She was suspicious of the term and inclined to dismiss it as a neologism. “It’s...

Politics and Social Philosophy

Politics and Social Philosophy This is a seven part series, with a new post each day. Each post will be linked to the preceding post. TOWARD A FREE SOCIETY Some years ago, shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Empire, I was a speaker at a conference of company...

Israel and the World

Israel and the World It occasionally happens that I read an article or essay that affects me so deeply that I feel a strong desire to broadcast it to the world. This does not happen very often but it happened recently. I hope that no further explanation will be...

Capitalism: The Libertarian Vision

Capitalism: The Libertarian Vision AN INTRODUCTION Individualism is at once an ethical-psychological concept and an ethical-political concept. As an ethical-psychological concept, individualism holds that a human being should think and judge independently, respecting...