Conversations: Nathaniel Branden & Ken Wilber (MP3)
Conversations: Nathaniel Branden & Ken Wilber (MP3)
[Total Program Length: 1:46.19]
I am overcoming my natural reticence so that I can tell you about a dialogue that I recorded with my friend, Ken Wilber, entitled (Ken’s words) “The Nathaniel Branden Story.”
Ken Wilber, as you may know, is regarded by many as the world’s leading integral philosopher, where “integral” means comprehensive and inclusive – an attempt to include all perspectives in a larger picture. I regard him as one of the most brilliant minds I have ever encountered.
If you are familiar with Ken’s ideas, you know that he and I have our disagreements, much as I admire his work. Ken is a mystic. I am not. (I discuss some of our differences in “The Art of Living Consciously,” which didn’t stop him from praising the book wildly during our talks. He is a man of deeply generous spirit.) That we should be able to have this incredible dialogue is an example, I think, of the integral spirit in action.
The dialogue is a series of conversations starting with my years with Ayn Rand, moving through my work on the psychology of self-esteem, and ending with “a reasonable spirituality.” I have to say that this was one of the most enjoyable, engaging, and stimulating series of conversations that I can remember having.
I am happy that, with Ken’s permission, I am able to offer the first part of this series of talks on my site.
Total file size 25 MB.
Listen to a free sample here: